Welcome to KinXions
I had been a professional genealogist for many years before embarking on my own genetic journey to find my biological grandfather. I didn't realize when I took my first DNA test that it would open up a whole new world for me and for others.
Over the years I had asked myself who my ancestors were. What were they like? How much am I like them? What can I learn from them? What have I inherited that I will pass on to future generations?
Finding and proving my own family has helped me develop the skills that I now draw upon to help you find and prove yours.
I know what it's like to have questions about your family. I understand how that curiosity compels you to look for them. As your genealogical partner, I will do all I can to help you find the answers you seek.
Why Family History?
Alex Haley eloquently stated
"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage - to know who we are and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in this life, there is still a vacuum, an emptiness, and the most disquieting loneliness."
Indeed, a 2008 Emory University study concluded that knowing your family stories creates a stronger "intergenerational self" that helps us understand who we are and where we fit in the world. When we learn how our ancestors rose to face their challenges and conquer their adversities we sense the strength that runs in our lineage. We can choose to become more resilient as we integrate those same coping skills to overcome our own trials. Paradoxically, as we learn more about them, we end up discovering more about ourselves.
You may have felt this hunger to know your heritage too. If so, I'm glad you're here! Feel free to look around - check out my services, blog, videos, and templates. Let me know how I can customize your experience to fit your needs so that you can discover your "Kin-X-ions" and leave a legacy of your own.

Learn more
Linda McCracken administers several DNA projects and is a member of the International Society of Genetic Genealogists (ISOGG), the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), and the National Genealogical Society.